getConnection(); // initialize objects $product = new Product($db); $category = new Category($db); include_once "include/objects.php"; $object = new BaseObject($db); // set ID property of product to be edited $product->id = $article; // read the details of product to be edited $product_stmt = $product->readAll_WithoutPaging(); // read all categories from the database $category_stmt = $category->readAll_WithoutPaging(); // $description = Markdown($product->description); $product->readOne(); $product->countbows(); @$created = new DateTime($product->created); $created = $created->format("Y 年 m 月 d 日"); ?> = template_header('news') ?>
2004 / 12 / 24
Shanghai is a city that cannot be positioned by coordinates.Shanghai exists, characterized not only by its historical charm, the bustling atmosphere of the Bund, and its modern, enchanting allure. It is an open trading city where the exchanges extend beyond mere money and goods. It continuously evokes the memories whispered by people, filled with imaginations and desires.
Shanghai is a concept that is both vague and tangible, an eternal blend of the new and the old, a dream shadow that hovers and flows. However, to truly experience the legacy of Shanghai, nothing compares to savoring the exquisite dishes that gather various culinary traditions amidst the clinking of glasses.
藏身於信義區頂級商務酒店 —— 瀚寓酒店的二樓, 《弈夢紅樓》以上海菜、縱橫港滬商場酒席的粵菜、江浙菜、川菜、乃至在地台菜與義式冰淇淋等,再以RED Bar 的台灣風土調酒佐餐,譜寫出一個家族情牽海派風味的輾轉歷史。源於創辦人白石集團董事長馬維欣的兒時記憶,馬維欣的祖父是京劇名伶馬繼良,曾以西門紅樓的八角樓作為滬園劇院演出;《弈夢紅樓》菜譜酒單上的懷舊兼容與創新,不僅暗藏了上海匯聚四方的埠式飲食文化,呈現出歷史與地緣脈絡的多面性,也是情懷傳承的延續伏筆。
沈郁的木質調,可追溯自 19 世紀上海最初的英國租界,內斂雋永的英式風格滲入端莊持重的中式靈魂,成為中西美學初會融合的底蘊。軟裝主導的設計團隊,在原來略顯開放的平面空間中,運用對稱的羅馬柱、中式鏤空雕花屏風與面板、藤編的椅面,劃出輕重層次與虛實掩映的區域氛圍,亦為用餐空間留有適當的隱密性。酒吧壁面乳白的復古燒窯磚,閃爍溫潤的光澤,環繞空間上方的大型橢圓弧形雲母石主燈,隱隱浮動現代的氣息;吧檯面松綠色的蛇紋石採用典雅的法國飾邊,映襯著座椅墨綠的皮面。
Nestled on the second floor of the Hanns House hotel in Xinyi District of Taipei, JACOB’S DREAM offers a menu that features Shanghai cuisine, Cantonese dishes that are highly popular for business dining in Shanghai and Hong Kong,Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine, Sichuan dishes, as well as local Taiwanese delicacies, and Italian gelato. Paired with cocktails inspired by Taiwanese terroir from the RED Bar, it weaves a narrative of a family's deep connection to the flavors of Shanghai.
The concept is rooted in the childhood memories of the founder, Ma Weixin, Chairman of the Glory stones. Ma Weixin's grandfather was the renowned Peking opera performer Ma Jiliang, who once performed at the Bajiao (Octagon) Building of The Red House, which served as a venue for the Hu Yuan Theatre.The nostalgic yet fusion dishes and drink selections at JACOB’S DREAM, not only encapsulate the diverse culinary culture that Shanghai has gathered from all sources, reflecting the multifaceted nature of history and geographical context, but also serve as a continuation of the emotional legacy.Stepping into the space of JACOB’S DREAM, it feels as though one is unveiling the curtain of time.